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Don’t Slip On The Bacon?

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I read it as Caution, Caution, Dancing Fellow, Tasty Bacon on a plate.  I was informed it actually reads slippery area.  Okay if you say so but I still see Bacon in that sign.  Yum…Bacon!

Tea Time…If I Can Figure Out How To Make It

Is tea really that difficult to prepare?

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Apparently it is since the teabag comes with instructions, lol.

Don’t Look Up

Move along if you don’t want to get pooped on…

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Awww…They tried to warn you 😦

Cheese, Grandpa and Robert Goulet…I Miss You All

This sign made me kind of sad but in a nostalgic way.  I miss both Cheese and Grandpa.  You know because I can’t eat cheese, I’m lactose intolerant.  Also I miss Grandpa because he like died before I was born and I miss that I didn’t get to know him but understand because it was like 1932 and everybody died young back then.

I’m okay with Gourmet though, its delicious and also because it makes me think of Robert Goulet.  Wait…now I’m sad again because I just remembered Robert Goulet is dead too.

It’s amazing how one sign can invoke so many feelings of loss.  Bumer eh?